The Farmer’s Daughter is Moving!

Like, my blog is moving. Not me. Don’t be alarmed, I’m taking all of you with me. Well…I hope I’m taking all of you with me; we’re still working on that.

Over the next couple of days, I’m going to re-launch the blog. It’s still going to be located at, so no changes for you as the reader. However, if you visit my corner of the internet and notice any changes or glitches, now you know what’s going on.

I’m working on getting my email subscribers moved with me, but if for some reason it doesn’t happen, check back in a few days and you can subscribe through the new site!

Please find me on Facebook for all blog related updates.

See you on the other side!

Yoga Teacher Training Recap



Last day with my instructor, Rocky Heron.

Yoga teacher training is a long, intensive process. 200 classroom hours, hours upon hours of homework, and the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion is unlike anything I’ve ever been through. Click on the links to read my previous teacher training posts (YogaYoga RevisitedRound 3).

Yoga School - Round 4

Obligatory First Day of Yoga School Pic – Round 4

My brain is mush, and I’m still having a hard time believing it’s done. Thankfully, my body reminds me what I just went through every time I roll over.

IMG_6996This last week was an especially difficult one. I felt all the feelings – excitement, sadness, anxiety, relief, stress… you name it, I felt it. Excitement to be back with my friends, sadness it was over, anxiety about the final, relief it was coming to an end, and stress to finish necessary requirements while completing daily homework and running off 3-4 hours of sleep. Whew!

We spent our days practicing yoga (duh), learning/discussing LOTS of anatomy, practicing alignment cues on our peers, and learning about yoga philosophy.

Rocky showing us his best isometric contraction.

Rocky showing us his best isometric contraction.

The yoga practices you do in a teacher training are completely different than yoga you would generally practice everyday. For example, one day we worked on backbends…for 2½ hours. Holy spinal extensors!

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 7.44.11 AMAnother day was working on forward folds. A forward fold doesn’t sound so bad, right? Well we did them for 3 hours. I was able to release my hamstrings more that day than I ever have.

Another day, we did a 90 minute self-led practice. Everyone in the room was doing different things. It was the longest practice I’ve ever put myself through on my own.

IMG_7056The last day we did 2½ hours of arm balances and inversions. My serratus anterior, shoulders, and obliques are still talking to me after this class.

IMG_7055I am now certified through YOGAMAZÉ, founded by Noah Mazé in Los Angeles. Our teacher training was led by Rocky Heron, a YOGAMAZÉ Emissary. To receive our certification we were assessed on teaching methodology, anatomy & physiology, yoga philosophy, and practicum.


The day I turned in my work. Ah…what a relief.

By the end of the week, we had to have all necessary assignments complete and then were “graded” on teaching an hour long sequence to our peers. The day we had to teach my nerves had nearly completely subsided. I think this was solely due to the pure exhaustion I was feeling, not because I felt prepared. I don’t think I would have ever felt prepared for that moment.

I am so grateful for the group of people I was placed with to complete this training. I can’t put into words what happens to you over 200 hours, but the people that surround you play a huge part in your sanity. I am so thankful for each and every one of them.


Namaste’ Y’all.

The last week especially was a roller coaster ride of emotions. By mid-week we were all slightly delirious, so I’m sure that played a role…

We laughed together.


Clare bear.

Sometimes cried together.


Sweet Mona.

Celebrated each other.


Happy Birthday, Adi! Yes, yogis eat donuts. We eat ALL the donuts.

Celebrated our instructor/mentor.


Rocky in all of his new Oklahoma gear.

IMG_7058Relied on one another.


Last closing circle.

And supported each another.

So much love and appreciation in this picture.

So much love and appreciation in this picture.

It’s now been 3 days since I finished, and I’m still not quite back to normal. My body is exhausted and I still have all my yoga homework laid out on the dining room table like I have things to finish. Maybe it will sink in soon.

IMG_700615 months ago when I signed up for this journey, I still wasn’t sure I wanted to put in the time, energy, and effort to complete a 200 hour teacher training. Looking back, I can’t imagine not doing it! If this is something you’re on the fence about yourself, or have any questions regarding a 200 hour teacher training, please let me know! I would love to answer any questions or tell you about my experience a little bit more.

From a now official yoga teacher,


Apple Pie Green Smoothie

I’m baaaaaack!!! I feel terrible when I leave my blog unattended for several days, but I’ve got a good reason. I finished my 200 hour yoga teacher training! Ahhh… that feels good to say.

IMG_7006I’ll do a full recap as soon as my brain starts working properly. Right now I’m sleep deprived, physically exhausted, and I’m coming down from an emotional roller coaster I’ve been riding for the last 5 days. Give me a minute before I start re-living it.

So how about another smoothie recipe?

DSC_9457As you can see, I’ve got a pattern going here. Banana Bread, Apple Pie…I’m obviously craving dessert! But when am I not craving dessert? That’s the real question.

DSC_9482I made this smoothie almost every morning before teacher training. I would usually eat around 7:30 or 8 a.m., and then we wouldn’t break for lunch until 1 or 1:30 p.m. Thankfully, the addition of the oats kept me full for hours!

DSC_9459Cast of Characters:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 large handful of greens
  • ¼ cup rolled oats
  • ½ sweet apple (Fuji, Gala, etc.) or ½ cup unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp. nutmeg
  • ½ tsp. vanilla

Add all ingredients to a high speed blender. Once everything is blended, turn that thing on high! The oats and raw apple need to be blended into oblivion for a smooth texture.

DSC_9471If needed, add a few ice cubes to cool it down.

Notes: I have used raw apple and unsweetened apple sauce in this recipe and both have turned out great. I usually don’t have sweet apples laying around (I’m more of a tart apple kind of girl), BUT I do always keep individual servings of apple sauce in the pantry for baking. The apple sauce was a perfect addition to this smoothie. Also, If you don’t have a high speed blender (Vitamix, Blendtec, etc.), the apple sauce will give you a much smoother texture.

Happy Blending, Y’all!


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